Client Guidlines

At Day Massage, we are committed to offering a serene and professional environment for exceptional wellness experiences. To ensure the comfort, safety, and respect of all our clients and staff, please follow this code of conduct:

1.  Respect and Courtesy: Please treat all staff and fellow clients with the utmost respect and courtesy. Any form of discriminatory language, harassment, or inappropriate behavior is not tolerated.
2.  Health and Safety: Prior to your session, disclose any health conditions, allergies, or contraindications. This information is essential for your safety and helps us provide the most suitable and effective service.
3.  Punctuality: Arrive on time for your appointment. Late arrivals may result in a shortened session to ensure subsequent clients are not delayed.
4.  Communication: Be open with your therapist about your comfort level, any health concerns, or specific areas needing attention. Our therapists aim to provide a personalized and comfortable experience.
5.  Noise Level: To maintain a peaceful atmosphere, silence your mobile devices and speak softly within the spa premises.
6.  Privacy and Modesty: Your privacy and modesty are respected at all times. During your session, you will be covered with a sheet or towel, exposing only the area being worked on.
7.  Hygiene: For everyone’s comfort, maintain good personal hygiene and avoid wearing strong fragrances to your appointment.
8.  Jewelry and Valuables: Lotus Spa does not provide lockers. You are responsible for your jewelry and other valuables during your visit. Keep such items secure and with you at all times or in the pockets of your clothing.
9.  No Solicitation: Soliciting business from our therapists or other clients within the premises is strictly prohibited.
10. Cancellation Policy: We understand that schedules can change. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, inform us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid cancellation fees.

Failure to adhere to this code of conduct may result in the termination of your session or refusal of future services. This policy ensures Day Massage remains a sanctuary for wellness and relaxation. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to serving you.

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